Then, Hawkeye told us that he was feeling a bit sick and needed some dandelion roots to make a detoxification tea. He created a need for us to make digging sticks.
He gave us a challenge as well. He wanted the biggest, most beautiful roots. This made me much more intrigued and excited about digging up a dandelion. Common needs of most people, and especially young people, we learned, are acceptance, challenge, self esteem, passion, curiosity, and physical and emotional needs. By setting up challenges, sparking that curiosity or passion, and teaching in a visually exciting atmosphere (in the forest, near a creek, around a fire, etc.), we can successfully create needs for children to learn.
Thursday was another bird language day. We played a game of "name that bird," which the Owls won (take that Chupacabras!). At our sit spots we listened hard for a good forty minutes. Every one of us recognized that as the sun poked into the canopy, the chatter of the birds picked up quickly. The Golden-crowned Kinglets were the most active near my sit spot, and I also watched a Winter Wren feed. Every time he flew from bush to bush, he let out a "kip kip," which was responded to by another Winter Wren about 50 feet northeast. We tried to stay invisible to the birds in order to not interrupt their singing, which some indigenous groups characterize as a bird's "thanksgiving ritual."
Friday was another Permaculture day with Adam Rawson of Eden Cultivation. We learned about earthworks in general (by tractor or hand) and the benefits of terracing, swales, and path making. We also learned a lot about water and water storage. The route that water takes from its source to its point of use should be carefully designed to ensure enough water, clean water, efficiency, and most importantly, sustainability. Water comes from a known, renewable source. It then needs to be collected, conveyed, and stored in tanks, barrels, ponds, earth, vegetation, etc. We learned about irrigation systems, and looked into pipes' capacities for pressure and flow.
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